Foxfire Books

Eric found Foxfire 2 in a box by the curb.  This past weekend, I found several books at the Library bookstore.  We were immediately taken by it, but what was/is Foxfire?

The Firefox Book is an anthology from the magazine of the same name.  Written in the 60's and 70's by a group of high school students. They explored the heritage of the Southern Appalachia around where they lived.  
 While the book is filled with how-tos on making soap, quilting, and building log cabins, my favorite part is the oral histories by the elderly natives.  They are still churning butter, riding donkeys, and curing common illnesses the way they always have.
The topics are fun too.  I mean, who wouldn't want to read an article entitled "Moonshining as a Fine Art" or "A Quilt is Something Human."
Wanting to know more about Firefox, I was happy to see that is still alive and well.  You can find out more about the philosophy and organization as well as buy the current copies of the magazine here.

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