Eric was in the craft room the other day when Phoebe was sewing and I got him to take a few pictures so you could see how I help Phoebe sew. While she's able to sew a running or whipstitch on her own, buttons are new for her.

When we began to sew together, I helped by holding the fabric taut for her between stitches. Basically, I was her human embroidery hoop. This practice helped her to get down the rhythm and spacing of the stitches. When sewing on buttons, she had trouble keeping the button in the right spot and couldn't go up through the holes. With a little help, she sewed on a bunch of buttons!
Sewing with little ones takes some patience and some hands-on assistance, but it's worth it!
Wonderful! I can't wait until my little one can hold a needle to start stitching.
You're going to have so much fun sewing together! But, it does take some patience - did I mention that??!!
Amie, I'm so glad you taught me this method. This is just how we did it when I sewed with my niece at Christmas! Thanks!
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