Garden Sale

After seeing several lemonade stands in our neighborhood, Phoebe got the idea to have a garden sale.  She's working on saving money to buy a My Little Pony.  Since I, too, was a huge proprietor of lemonade stands as a child, I was all for her get-rich-quick scheme.
 First, she cut a variety of flowers.  We always grow the Cut and Come Again variety of Zinnias - they really do!  Herbs and lamb's ears were also added to the mix.
 Carefully arranging her blossoms.
 A sign was made.
 Careful attention was paid to the shop display.

While we knew everyone who stopped to purchase a little arrangement, they seemed to enjoy the little jars of flowers.  Phoebe didn't have any set prices, people just gave her some change.  For a socially shy child, this was a big deal.  I was so proud to see her talk to customers and figure out something on her own.  It looks like we'll be taking a trip to Target soon!

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