
Kid Art Embroidery Workshop

I'm super excited for the Kid Art Embroidery workshop for adults at The Art Project  in Memphis, TN. 

When my kids were small, I was enchanted by their artwork. The creativity, wobbly lines, and fearlessness. They also developed their own unique style. Phoebe was busy drawing long-legged princesses and hearts while Frank focused on complex vehicles that involved a lot of wheels and straps for holding things together.

This angel was embroidered for a good friend. 
Her child was in my kindergarten class.

As a crafty mom, I wanted to capture their artwork beyond putting it on the fridge. I also wanted to connect with their world somehow. So, I began to embroider favorite drawings. As I stitched along their lines, I felt closer to them and knew that I was creating a keepsake. Throughout the years, I have also embroidered drawings for friends and family. They are such sweet gifts.

Phoebe's artwork
My embroidery

Embroidery is one of those crafts that is so perfect. It's timeless, portable, and full of possibilities.

At The Art Project later this month, I look forward to passing on this fun project to others who are eager to learn a new skill or just want to hang out and sew with me!  We'll be transferring an original drawing onto muslin so that it fits inside a 7-inch hoop. The hoop will also become a clever hanger for the finished work. I'll go over a variety of stitches so that the best stitch can be chosen to capture the details on those sweet drawings.

For more information and to sign-up for the workshop, visit The Art Project website.   If you don't live in Memphis, but want to learn more about Kid Art Embroidery, check out my post from many moons ago.

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!