
On Being a "Sewing Boss"

I was excited to be part of Hipstitch Academy's Sewing Bosses video series. It's so awesome to be part of this wonderful community of sewing teachers. I immediately it off with Megan Avery and we ended up having a fun and informative chat. In fact, we talked for so long, my interview became a 2-part series.

In the interview, I ramble about the Sewing School books, my teaching philosophy, and how I got started teaching kids to sew. We also talked about how I incorporate sewing into my 2nd grade classroom.

Interview Part 1

Interview Part 2

Hop on over to the Hipstitch Academy blog to watch, and while you're there, check out some of the other cool "sewing bosses" that are featured.

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!