
Stuffed Animal Vet Clinic

For the last meeting of Sewing Club, we hosted a Stuffed Animal Vet Clinic for our school.  This was a great service project for the kids and helped them to realize the power of sewing.

The Vet Clinic chapter in the Sewing School book will help you get started and shows how to repair injured animals.  For our clinic, I photocopied the pages to help the young sewers repair lost eyes, attach broken limbs, and close holes in over-loved stuffies.
We collected injured stuffed animals for a few days. The owners put little tags on them with their name and teacher's name so that they could be safely returned.
 Everyone worked very carefully on the stuffed animals.  We paired them up so that the younger kids were working with older ones.
 Some injuries were quite serious and took some extra help.
 The little blue bird got a new leg!
 Before returning an animal, they always got a big hug!
Since it was our last Sewing Club meeting, Mrs. Shannon made bone shaped cookies to decorate and eat while we repaired animals.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's so sweet! What a fantastic idea. And I LOVE the handmade signs.


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