
Everyone Got a Hoop

This week at Sewing Club everyone got their very own hoop to make a mini-tapestry, embroidery, or whatever they wanted.  We used 9-inch hoops and covered most with solid fabric.  I did leave a few empty, anticipating some kids who would want to turn their hoop into something different.
I made a quick example and showed them how to sew on a the hoop as well as applique onto it.  "Applique" - a very cool word to use when you're 6!

Everyone got to work planning their hoops.
Several kids did embroidery.
 This hoop became a little sleeping bag for a favorite stuffie!
 Many kids used images from fabric to create their tapestries.

While everyone loved this project, it did take more time than our hour time frame allows.  No worries, they can finish next week!


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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!