
Swinging Zoom Zoom

 The newest Zoom Zoom Mat features a cute little tree swing in place of my usual house.  Designing these is just so much fun!  I made a bunch for the holidays and machine sewed the black race track using a zig-zag stitch.  The rest of the mat is hand sewn.  Oh, I also machine sew the backing at the end.
 I love this little swing.  The green leaves of the tree are slightly stuffed for some texture.
 Here is the pocket garage.  It's roomy enough to hold several small cars.
Zooming around the fish pond.  There is a bridge that goes over the pond as well. 

The best part was giving this to a favorite 3 year old.  As soon as he opened it, he immediately knew what to do and started playing with it!  Zoom Zoom!

1 comment:

  1. Hi.I just received my copy of the book and I wanted to say how much i enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
    aliza ratnayaka


Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!