
Frankie's Ya Yo

Frankie is really into guitars (or ya yos) as he likes to call them. Since he was having a birthday (2 already!), Phoebe decided to stitch him up a soft ya yo that he can snuggle with.
First, I helped her trace the guitar shape onto fabric 2 times ("blue, since he's a boy"). She cut out the shapes using our trusty Fiskars for Kids scissors.
Next, the top needed buttons. It took a long time to pick out the right buttons and sew them on. Here you can see how I helped Phoebe sew on the buttons since that was a new skill for her.
Then, she stitched all around and stuffed it. We needed to decorate the bottom, so she drew a circle with a Sharpie and I helped to add the yarn strings.

It turned out super cute and I was so impressed by her ideas. Can't wait to see what she makes next!

1 comment:

Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!