
Kandinsky Circles in Felt

As I walked by Mrs. Shannon's class the other day I did a double take.  The kids were sewing Kandinsky inspired circles onto a painted canvas to create a circle tree!  The results are spectacular.
I immediately asked her how she did it and she said that the kids first painted the canvas a solid color of their choice.  After drying, they cut out a brown felt trunk.  The trunk was attached to the canvas with spray adhesive.
The kids cut out various sizes and colors of circles from felt.  They arranged the circles and then sewed them on with a simple stitch or two directly onto the canvas.  Craft thread and #22 Chenille needles were used with success.
Here is a view of the back.  As you can see, just a stitch or two was all that was used to hold the circles in place.

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!