
Stuff I Like

photo by Sewing Girl
It's fun to share!  Here are some things that I'm liking these days.

*Sewing Girl is a 10 year old from Australia who has begun her own on-line sewing store.  She also blogs about what she makes and sees.   You may recognize the image above as the Pocket Pal from Sewing School.  Check it out at April's Sewing Creations and Repairs.

*To the Lesson! has introduced some great sewing drawers to her classroom.  I can't wait to show my kids how cross stitch on gingham fabric.

*Drop Cloth has this great embroidery subscription.  I love the idea, but am afraid I would fall far behind and the cute little samplers would just be sitting there staring at me (like the 2 Drop Cloth samplers I already have waiting for me.)  I do love it, though!

*Sew Memphis is has posted some great new workshops for this winter - including a few Andria & I will be teaching (more on that soon).  I am thinking of signing up for this parent/child quilt class with Phoebe.

*Reading Wildwood and can't put it down.  In fact, I need to go read right now - it's getting late!

 What are you liking these days?


  1. thanks for the Wildwood reminder...I saw that book when I was with my boy-thinking it would be perfect for him- so didn't buy it right then and there wanting it to be a surprise. And guess what? Surprise!! I forgot about it. ha.

    thanks for the link to the sewing that idea too. and the transferring pins idea! awesome exercise!

  2. Yay! glad to see another wild wood fan!

  3. Thanks for posting about my blog!


Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!