
Holiday Reads

It's the same every holiday season.  I fill the classroom library with wonderful holiday books.  We read all about Santa, reindeer, giving to others, snow, baby Jesus, Hanukkah, elves, the Grinch, and gingerbread men.  Usually, I sprinkle the books in throughout the season.  Sometimes the books match up with the activities we are doing in the classroom, other times they don't.  This year, I was inspired by Cassi's wonderful Book Advent that I have been referring to for years.  I thought, what if I read a different holiday book or two each day and theme our learning and art activities around the book?  I bounced the idea off of a few fellow teachers and they eagerly jumped on board and we came up with a game plan for the month of December.

I'm calling this month "Holiday Reads" and hope that you will join my classroom and I as we learn and explore using holiday-themed books as our bouncing board.  I will admit that it was hard to narrow the books and activities down.  We ended up with 11 language arts lessons plus a few math ones thrown in too.  In the spirit of documenting my teaching and sharing ideas, I'll be posting about each day.  Hope you enjoy them!  Don't worry, we have lots of crafts going on this month!

So, what's your favorite holiday book?

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!