
Tiny Tooth Pouch

We have lots of Kindergarteners with wiggly teeth.  After losing a few already this year, we decided that a Tiny Tooth Pouch would be a perfect project while talking about the letter T.

They are super simple to make and a great project for a young sewer.  They can also be a simple wallet or pouch if you don't have a need for tooth pouch.
Material List:  Felt squares cut into thirds, craft thread and number 22 chenille needles, stick-on velcro cut into about 2 inch strips, and tiny tooth patches.

To make the tooth patches, I used Ultra Heat-n-Bond and white muslin.  Back a piece of white muslin with the Heat-n-Bond and then cut out your tooth pieces.  A friend also suggested sticking on the pouch with spray adhesive.

Time to Make the Pouches:
Fold the strip of felt in half.  This way, the kids only have to sew up 2 sides.  Some of mine got fancy and sewed up the long ends so that the fold was at the bottom while others just sewed around 2 sides so that the fold was on the side.  Either way is fine.

It was a bit hectic sewing with 16 kids at once, so no sewing pictures were taken!  We did pre-thread about 20 needles which made things go much, much smoother.

Once the pouch is sewn up, you can add the tooth pouch - peel off the backing and iron the pouch on.  Add the Velcro as well.  I like to iron on the Velcro a little so that it'll stick better.
You can write on your tooth patch if you want.  We just used Flair pens.
Here are two examples showing the different ways you can sew up the pouch.  Don't you love those kindergarten stitches?!
Now, it's time to loose some teeth and wait for the Tooth Fairy!  Before making our pouches, we read some good tooth related books including my favorite - My Wobbly Tooth Must Not Ever Never Fall Out by Lauren Child.


  1. Oh, cutie! My son will love it if I make him a tiny tooth pouch too. :) Thanks for this great post! -Leeanne

  2. Yes, Leeanne - you and your son should make one together! - Amie


Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!