
Sewing Birthday Party

Each year, as part of our school's auction, my fellow Sewing Club teachers and I give a sewing party.   This year, we had the privilege of hosting a party for one of my sweet kindergarten students who turned 6. 
 We discussed all kinds of projects that we could do for the party, and she chose the stuffie from Sewing School.  Because that way, "everyone can make what they want."  What a nice choice.

We prepared the tables with squares of muslin taped down for easy coloring and caddies filled with all the necessary supplies.  Once they had their stuffie design the way they wanted it, a teacher helped to find a backing fabric and cut it out.  We had pre-threaded needles so the kids could pick out their thread color and start sewing.
I was so busy helping, that I didn't get any good sewing pictures, but look at these completed projects!  I love the variety.  Lily was right - everyone did get to make what they wanted. 
To round out the party, we had cake and opened presents.  Mrs. Shannon made her famous chocolate sewing kits as a party favor.

A few tips for hosting a sewing birthday party (in case you are interested):
  • Keep the project simple and doable for the age level.
  • Have all the materials ready to go - pre-cut fabric, pre-thread needles, have supplies around the room and ready to go.
  • It doesn't have to last forever - we find that 1 1/2 hours is perfect for a simple project and birthday festivities.
  •  A sewing-themed party favor is fun - this could be a little sewing kit or chocolates.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a fun birthday party. My daughter is turning 7 and has been interested in learning how to sew lately. I think she would like this.


Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!