
Make a Colored Pencil Roll

Lately Phoebe has gotten really into drawing with colored pencils.  Maybe they are a little more grown-up than crayons or it's the way the points move across the paper.  Her drawings have been so inspired with them, but they are easy to lose and end up all over the place.  So, I thought a colored pencil roll was in order.

I made a batch of colored pencil rolls to sell at my little shelf at the Trolley Stop Market and thought you might like to make one too.

What you need - 2 kinds of fabric and a large pony tail holder
Cut your fabric -
*2 pieces of main fabric 8 1/2 x 10 1/2
*1  piece of coordinating fabric for the pocket 10 x 10 1/2 (I folded it half and cut 5 x 10 1/2 on the fold)

Place the folded pocket fabric on top of one of the main fabrics.  The fold should be at the top.  Pin the fabric so it won't wiggle.
A colored pencil needs a space of 3/4 inch to fit.  With chalk or a pencil, mark 1 1/4 inches from the left side.  Now, continue to mark the little pencil pockets in 3/4 inch intervals.  When you get to the last pocket, you will leave 1 1/4 inches at the end.  You should have space for 12 colored pencils.
Sew straight down from your marks.  I just eyeball it and hope it's not too crooked.  If you need straight lines in your life, you can mark the lines with a ruler and sew down them.
Here is what you should have so far.
Time to put in the band.  I like to use large ponytail holders, but you could use elastic (8 inches folded) or ribbon ties if you like.

Pin the band a little down from the top of the pocket.  It needs to stick out just a little, but make sure you put the main part of the band in towards to the pocket or it won't work right.
Place the second piece of the main fabric on top of the pocket.  Good sides are together.  Move your pin so that it is on the outside of the main fabric piece.
Here you are.  I like to pin down the fabric in several places so it doesn't move about too much.
Now, sew about 1/4 inch or your pressure foot width around the pencil roll.  Be sure to leave a hole to turn the fabric out.  I like to leave my hole on the top. 

When you get to the band, carefully remove the pin and go back and forth a few times so it's sewn down tight.
Turn the pencil roll out - it looks great!  
Iron flat and press the edges of the hole inside.
Top stitch all around.  This will close the hole and make the pencil roll more stable.
Put in your pencils and....
...roll and go!

These are perfect for stashing in your "Mom bag" or putting in your child's backpack for creating on the go.  Or just for having tidy colored pencils!
I hope you'll make one too. 

P.S. The fabric is Art Class by Michael Miller

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!