
A Club of My Own

I finally have my very own adult sewing club!  We are working on a scrappy quilt - using the Block of the Month approach.  I am one month closer to my first patchwork quilt!  It is so nice to chat and craft with friends.  The response to the club was overwhelming.  We thought maybe 4 or 5 people would join, but there are about 15 members!  I love to sew with kids, but this is something just for me, you know?
Our fearless leader is Darla Ives, a wonderful quilter and friend.  I have admired her work for years and have bugged her to start a sewing group.  She patiently goes through the steps to making the square we are working on each month.  She also showed us the basics - how to properly square up fabric, cut strips, chain pieces on the machine, and pin the squares together. All techniques I new about vaguely, but weren't doing properly.  Darla has some good basic quilting information on her Facebook page if you're interested.
Our first blocks are the 9-patch.  Here are mine anxiously awaiting sewing!  We have show and tell each meeting, so I need to get to work.  Can't wait to see what we are making next month.

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!