
Kids Sewing in the News

Photo by Don Leach, Daily Pilot
I have a few Google Alerts out there, one being "sewing school."  Often, I get alerts for news stories that are about sewing in schools.  It's exciting to see kids sewing around the nation and for others to understand the importance of kids sewing.  We crafty teachers have known this for some time.

Andria and I truly believe that sewing is not only a great craft skill, but provides children with so much more such as fine motor skills, a sense of pride, and patience.  I have also come across several articles that deal with sewing for a cause.  What a great way to get kids involved - I need to do more of that.

Here are a few news articles that caught my eye this week.

A stitch in time teaches new skills from the Daily Pilot
In stitches:  keep little hands busy with sew-easy projects from
Sewing up a healthier environment from the Harold Times Reporter

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!