

We will be at Davis-Kidd Booksellers in Memphis Saturday, 1pm discussing and signing Sewing School.  We'll also have a fun no-sew craft based on a project from the book for kids of all ages.  If you live in the area, I hope you'll stop by and say Hi!

The whole notion of "discussion" has made me a bit nervous.  I mean, Andria and I can talk, but about what?   What would you want to know?   I feel like I need to have a little something prepared.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't mind, but I embedded your book's you tube video in my blog. I had a stroke 4months ago and have lost the use of my right hand. To make a long story short, I've started posting links and sewing tips on my blog for my students until I can sew with them again. I love your blog. It gives me something to asprire to.


Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!