
Sewing School Debut

Hi!  I'm your little friend...
While the actual release date is a few weeks away, we debuted Sewing School at a Grace-St. Luke's book fair at Davis-Kidd bookstore.  Andria and I were thrilled to share a sneak peak of the book with the school family that has shared our sewing enthusiasm for years.
 Our little display of original projects from the book.
 A proud Sewing School camper sports the Sewing School Rules! button.
 For a hands-on, yet no-sew project, participants were invited to decorate their own "Your Little Friend."  Kids of all ages stopped by to make a new friend.
We hope to share more with you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to getting a copy of your book. Congratulations!


Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!