
Show and Tell

I am excited to share these images from Renee Eaton's kindergarten classroom in Brentwood, CA. After seeing this ocean sewing post, she set out to create her own underwater adventure with her students.
In her words: "I have always loved sewing and crafting for myself and my family and have only done a little bit of sewing with students in the past."
"The kids drew their animal and I cut it out of felt. Then I brought the pieces in and they added details with sharpies and fabric markers. Once the details were added we started sewing and stuffing. They worked in small groups with an adult. It took us about 3 weeks to complete. We hadn't done much sewing in class but with all the great inspiration from your blog I knew that they were capable. So we kind of just went for it. "
Aren't they cute? Quite ambitious for a first sewing project. I also love the way she displayed them.

I've been having fun emailing Renee about our process, organization of sewing with kids, and personal crafting. If you've been sewing with kids, please share. I'd love to do more show and tells!

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!