
Book Update

Right now, we are editing a proof of the Sewing School book. I can't tell you how exciting it is to see all our projects, Justin's great photography, and the cute kids come together. Hopefully we'll be able to share photos with you soon. The book is due to come out in mid-October. This editing business requires a lot of time, and as you can see, I'm squeezing it in whenever I can.

This year has really been about balance for me. Balancing my time, energy, and patience between work, the book, and my sweet family. (Oh yeah, and I'd like to get some sewing of my own in there!) While it's been tough, it's been worth it.

About 2 seconds after I took this picture, Frankie came at me with pesto noodle hands - don't touch the book!

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!