
Sewing School - The Book!

Why are we smiling so big with relieved looks on our faces?
It's official! Sewing School will be published by Storey Publishing next Fall! We've been working non-stop all summer to put together more than 20 projects for kids. Our friend Justin Fox Burks (that's him on the right) did the amazing photography.

The book is written for kids and kid-tested ages 5 and up. We are so excited to share our ideas and get more kids sewing out there! Storey is the perfect publisher for us. Their mission is to promote a do-it-yourself lifestyle, plus their books are beautiful. As craft book junkies, our goal is to produce a book for kids that we would want to buy as well. The projects, while simple, include ideas to transform them into unique creations.
Yes, writing a book is very time and energy consuming. While we can't complain, it's nice to have the book in the hands of editors. What will we do now?

Justin - I'm always busy, but I'm about to run a marathon!
Andria - Sewing and blogging! (She's working on a cute quilt for her niece.)
Amie - I need to clean my house really, really bad. After that, I can't wait to make some fall clothes!

So, there you have it. We'll keep you up to date on what's going on through this process. And now that we're finished with this, we'll have lots new projects to share here.



Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!