
Fat Quarter Cape

Everyone was flying away in Sewing Club this week with quick and easy capes. I bought several yards of fun Halloween fabric and cut them into fat quarters. Everyone got a piece to use as they wished. The capes were the most popular.

This morning as I walked into school, I spied a little sewer wearing her cape under her uniform like a secret sewing crusader.

Make your own Fat Quarter Cape:
1. Draw a simple pattern. The top of the cape is 12inches and angles down. I made the pattern slightly smaller than a fat quarter so the kids could use it easier. For 35 kids, I had 5 copies of the pattern on cardboard. The pattern could also be used to make a simple apron.

Trace pattern onto fabric 1 time.
2. Cut out the cape.
3. Cut a length of ribbon just a little bigger than the top of the cape (about 14 inches). Now, sew each end of the ribbon to a top corner. I showed the kids how to sew an X. (Some decided to cut 2 pieces of ribbon and tie them at the neck.)
4. Put the ribbon over your head and show off your cape!
There are many versions of the cape to be had. I especially liked this mask/cape combo.

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Hi there! So happy to hear from you. Happy sewing!